Blue Shark Fish Mounts - You can easily order through this website or call us if you prefer. GFM individually handcrafts each defined and detailed fish replica by hand, one-at-a-time. Every fish reproduction is perfectly airbrushed to resemble each species' most noticeable and distinct color patterns. By combining the best prices, unmatched quality while supporting and promoting the practice of catch-and-release fishing, Global Fish Mounts continues to be the go-to company for all Freshwater and Saltwater fish mounts. We offer most sizes and species of any fish, including the Blue Shark seen here. Variety of Sizes Available: Global Fish Mounts offers mounts of Blue Shark in a wide variety of different sizes. The models and sizes displayed on this page represent recently produced mounts. As we continuously add more sizes to our product list, and if you do not see the size you are looking for, or simply need more details about the process, please contact us by calling 954-942.1417 or Email: [email protected].
Optional Features Include
- Expedited Production/Shipping
- UV Inhibitive Polyurethane Outdoor Coating.
To learn more about optional features call 954.942.1417 or email us at: [email protected].
Artist Note: At times customers or anglers request us to use a reference photograph to paint by. If so our skilled artists will identify any unique characteristics in the photo which are later reflected in the completed paint scheme. This is why no two mounts are ever exactly alike and explains the differences you may see in the coloration of the various mounts. If you have a photo or description, please send it by email to [email protected]
- Fishmount Species Information
- Scientific Name: Prionace glauca
- Average Weight: 60 - 121 lbs.
- Location & Habitat: Blue sharks are found world wide in temperate and tropical waters. They are a pelagic species that rarely comes near shore but have been known to frequent inshore areas around oceanic islands and locations where the continental shelf is narrow. In the Atlantic they can be found from New Foundland, Canada to Argentina and from Norway to South Africa, including the Mediterranean. They range from South Africa to Indonesia and from Japan to New Zealand in the Indian and western Pacific Oceans. In the eastern Pacific, blue sharks range from the Gulf of Alaska to Chile. Being a pelagic species the blue shark's habitat consists of open ocean areas from the surface to 1,148 ft in depth. They prefer cooler water ranging from 44.6-60.8°F but are known to have tolerances for water 69.8°F or greater.
- Biology: The largest blue shark on record measured 12.6 feet but they are rumored to get as large as 20 feet. Males are believed to be mature at four to five years of age and at lengths between 6 feet and 9.2 feet. Females mature slightly older ages ranging from five to six years and longer lengths from 7.3-10.6 feet. They are believed to live for more than 20 years.
- Physical Description: The blue shark has a slender, sleek-looking body with a large eye and a long conical snout that is longer than the width of its mouth. It has extremely long, pointed pectoral fins, which generally are as long as the distance from its snout to posterior gill slit. The dorsal fin is moderate in size and set back where it is actually closer to the pelvic fin insertion than the pectoral insertion point. There is a slight keel on the caudal peduncle and the tail is narrowly lobed with a long ventral lobe. The blue shark's name comes from its distinct dark blue dorsal surface and bright blue sides. Its ventral surface is a well-defined, crisp white color. This contrast in colors is known as counter-shading and provides camouflage for the shark in the open ocean. The upper teeth of the blue shark are triangular with curved cusps, serrated edges and bases that overlap each other. The upper jaw generally has one symmetrical median tooth and has 14 teeth on either side. Teeth on the lower jaw number 13 to 15 on either side and have fine serrated edges, nearly erect cusps and are triangular, nearly symmetrical, shape.